Industry Relevant Skills

Richard Branson once quoted, “A company’s employees are its greatest asset and your people are your product”. But have you ever thought about why the asset column is reduced by the companies? Well, the reason lies in the employees’ skills. 

In that case, skills are employees’ greatest asset that is divided into hard and soft skills. Here are some of those skills mentioned that can land you higher-paying jobs: 

  1. Microsoft Office: Some of the common tools of MS Office include Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Microsoft Teams, Outlook, etc. Since every tool is being used in day-to-day tasks, it is important to have intermediate skills in it. 
  1. Vocabulary: Research says that people who know more words tend to become better managers than people who have a lesser vocabulary. The reason is simple. Vocabulary results in a better transfer of information that creates transparency and less conflict. 
  1. Communication: It is not only about knowing various words but also how to use them in a conversation. Communication is a skill divided into words and confidence; you should have the words and the confidence to speak them. 
  1. Problem-solving: Industries require people that have clarity of thought. Such clear minds can help solve corporate problems and personal conflicts among other employees. 
  1. Emotional Intelligence: With the rise of Artificial Intelligence, people are now losing the essence of talking to another human. Hence, emotional intelligence is required to understand another person so that you build better relations. It helps to close better deals with clients and better management within the company. 


These are the skills that will help you in attaining better relations and performance in the organization. And the best part is that you can do it on your own! All it takes is zeal and an open mind and you are good to go. 

And if you are willing to learn more, you can come to a platform with structured knowledge that will help you learn what is required. Graphic Era Online provides a holistic learning platform to students to make them corporate-ready.  

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