How Is Online Education Becoming A More Practical Option With The Rise In Population?

As technical advancements rise, so does the number of online learners. Online learning has not only been a viable alternative for learners who were otherwise unable to join a “traditional” face-to-face university but also plays a supportive role in physical classroom-based learning in many developing regions. It can act as a catalyst that fulfils the need for the right amount of gender ratios in classrooms.  

This year’s world population day theme highlights the importance of unleashing the power of gender equality and its crucial role in achieving sustainable development and empowering women and girls to contribute to their full potential.  

Online learning is comparatively more inclusive as it allows participants of all ages, gender and education levels to participate in online learning activities, even those whose performance may be “restricted” by accessibility needs. It also embraces learners from diverse cultural and regional backgrounds, enabling them to participate and excel in any course from any discipline.  

Factors That Contribute To The Popularity Of Online Education With The Rise In Population 

The rise in online education popularity amidst a growing population is closely linked to the dire need for inclusivity, climate change and pollution concerns. The following are other factors that contribute to the popularity of online education:  

  1. Reduced Commuting: As the population increases, so does the demand for educational institutions. Traditional education often requires individuals to commute to physical campuses, leading to increased traffic congestion, greenhouse gas emissions, and air pollution. Online education provides an alternative that reduces the need for commuting, thus contributing to lower carbon emissions and pollution associated with transportation. 
  1. Infrastructure Development: With a growing population, constructing new educational infrastructure, such as schools and universities, becomes necessary. The construction process and subsequent operations can result in pollution and environmental degradation. Online education offers a scalable solution that reduces the need for extensive physical infrastructure, minimising the associated pollution and environmental impact. 
  1. Resource Consumption: As the population grows, the demand for resources like paper, electricity, and water increases in traditional education settings. Paper production contributes to deforestation and pollution, while electricity consumption produces greenhouse gas emissions. Online education reduces paper usage through digital learning materials and optimises resource consumption by leveraging energy-efficient digital infrastructure, resulting in reduced pollution and environmental strain. 
  1. Technological Advancements: The rise in population coincides with advancements in technology, which support the growth of online education. Technological innovations can lead to more energy-efficient digital infrastructure, increased accessibility to online education platforms, and enhanced virtual learning experiences. This intersection of technology, online education, and population growth can contribute to reducing pollution and promoting sustainability. 
  1. Fosters Inclusivity and Empowers Women: The number of men and women in the world is roughly equal, which means both genders should get equal opportunities. Online education empowers women by offering a flexible, safe and supportive environment, promoting gender equality, and allowing them to balance their education with family and work responsibilities, which leads to increased empowerment and opportunities for personal and professional growth.  
  1. Global Connectivity: Presently, society is highly influenced by globalisation and interconnectedness. Online education facilitates cross-border collaboration and provides access to international educational resources. Students can enrol in courses from universities worldwide, interact with instructors and peers from different cultures, and gain a global perspective. This interconnectedness appeals to individuals seeking diverse learning experiences and opportunities. 

Future of Online Education  

People are increasingly preferring online education due to its numerous advantages. With limited physical infrastructure and overcrowding in educational institutions, online education offers a scalable solution to accommodate the growing population. The future of online education holds tremendous potential as it continues to evolve and adapt to meet the needs of an increasingly connected and tech-savvy world. Advancements in technology, such as virtual reality and artificial intelligence, will enable more immersive and personalised learning experiences. Collaboration and interactive learning will be enhanced through virtual classrooms and social learning platforms. The future will also witness an expansion of micro-credentialing and lifelong learning opportunities, allowing individuals to acquire specific skills and knowledge throughout their careers. 


With the increase in population, online education is becoming a more viable choice to cater to a larger number of learners. Additionally, online education promotes lifelong learning and the acquisition of relevant skills in an ever-changing world. By adapting to the needs of the future, online education is poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the education landscape and empowering individuals to thrive in the digital era. 

Why Should You Go for Online MBA?

The pursuit of higher education and professional growth has taken on various forms over the years. One such avenue that has gained significant popularity is