Grow With Graphic Era University Online

In 2020, when the world was pushed into a series of lockdowns due to covid-led pandemic, the traditional delivery mechanism of education underwent a drastic change and before we knew it, online education became the new normal.  

Though the nightmarish disease died down with time (thank god!), its impact on the educational domain did not! The post pandemic world embraced virtual education with open hands because of its advantages over campus- based degree programs.  

One such university that adapted remarkably well to the quantum of changes & launched online degree programs to meet the emerging demands of the learners is Graphic Era University (GEU).  

Ranked 75th amongst the Top Indian Universities by NIRF, Graphic Era University is the only educational institute in Uttarakhand that has been granted AICTE/UGC mandate for online education. Not only this, GEU is a NAAC A+ accredited university and has been ranked amongst the top 100 universities of India for three years in a row!  

These credentials gain paramount importance when the student tries to set foot in the professional world. This is because one cannot discount the skepticism around online education! Your potential employer will look at the school you graduate from & unless you’ve earned your online degree from a well-reputed university, your application will not have the impact you might be hoping for!   

We are sure an degree from Graphic Era University Online will accord you credibility in the eyes of employers! So, if you’re someone looking for the right university to start your virtual journey of higher education, you know which door to knock!  

Graphic Era University offers online degree programs in some of the most sought after fields like Management (Online BBA & Online MBA), Commerce (Online B.Com hons) and Computer Application (Online BCA & Online MCA). Choose to grow with Graphic Era University Online and move confidently in direction of your dreams! 

However, if you’re still in dilemma about online education, we advise you stay tuned. In our next blog, we will walk you through numerous benefits of online degree programs that will surely ease out of your confusion! 


Why Should You Go for Online MBA?

The pursuit of higher education and professional growth has taken on various forms over the years. One such avenue that has gained significant popularity is