5 Common Myths About Online Education

In 2020, Covid-19 turned our world upside down. Be it communication, health, or work, there wasn’t a single aspect of our lives that remained untouched or unchanged by the ripples of the pandemic. Education domain, particularly, witnessed a tectonic shift as the educational institutes across the globe were forced to experiment with remote learning. However, the crisis driven experiment turned out to be a substantial success for students & teachers alike.               

In fact, the whole experience has made many see online education as a viable means to widen the access to higher education. Nonetheless, there are also those who continue to be sceptical about it. Their hesitation or lack of enthusiasm may be result of preconceived notions & myths about online education which are either untrue or incomplete.  

Here are a few common myths about online education & their truths!! 

Only tech whiz can take online course 

Online learning platforms are specially designed to provide an accessible, student-friendly experience to learners of all age groups. If you can master booking tickets, ordering pizza, shopping online, you can easily master online learning. However, if you are completely alien to the digital setup, it might take you a while to get hang of it but believe us, you’ll find your way!  

An Online Course Is Easier Than a Traditional Course 

The luxury of taking classes from anywhere has perhaps bred the most common myth about online education, that is, online education is an easier schooling option. However, we would like to burst this bubble and tell you that online courses are as challenging and demanding as their on-campus counterparts. In fact, online courses involve comparatively more written assignments, quizzes, and workload in the same standard of quality as a traditional course. Moreover, instructors often make up for the ease & availability of resources by increasing their expectations from online students. Thus, if you are not self-motivated person, consider yourself warned: the seas will not be as smooth as you think!   

It is easier to cheat in online exam  

An offshoot of the previous misconception is the myth that it is easy to cheat in online exams. However, this is far from truth now! From proctored exams (supervision via webcam) to plagiarism checker tools for assignments/answer scripts, online instructors take great measures to protect the integrity and sanctity of online education. So, if you think you’ll get straight A’s in online exams because you can cheat, you’ll be in for a major disappointment. 

Online degree is not valued by employers 

University Grants Commission (UGC) has declared that online degrees “shall be treated as equivalent to the corresponding degrees and post-graduate diploma offered through conventional mode.” Nonetheless, we agree that not all online courses are credible but don’t you think the same holds true for brick and mortar universities as well? What we mean is that you must do thorough research about the accreditation and reputation of the university, before signing yourself in its online or offline program because it is one thing that your prospective employer will surely weigh in while going through your application.  It should also be noted that unless you divulge the information voluntarily, it is unlikely for your employer to know the difference.  

Online students don’t get to interact with teachers 

In a traditional set up, students have the opportunity to drop by and get their queries resolved by the professors during their office hours. These interactions play a crucial role in reinforcing the course material, creating a solid understanding of the subject, grievance redressal, and proving a wholesome learning experience to the students. However, the physical absence of teachers in the digital domain often gives birth to a common myth about online education, that is, online students are on their own. To debunk this myth, you need to understand that we are not living in the stone age anymore! From emails to webinars, video chats and discussion room chats, online students have ample communication channels to get the necessary guidance and support of their professors.  

If this blog has put your mind at ease, you should not wait anymore! Enhance your knowledge and skillset with GEU’s Online course.  

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